
They say that "every moment is a teaching moment".

  Well that was fun, but what did we learn? For the most part COVID as we know it, has been and gone in nearly all parts of the world and we are migrating to the "live with it" phase. Arguably, this is the hardest phase of all, the one where we all need to be accountable for our own behaviours, and health.  Technology has taken an absolute hammering over the past two years. The sudden and violent shift to working from home, stretched just about every business I have spoken to, to near breaking point. The traditional centralised office was ripped apart in days and millions of people adjusted to working from home. Had we geeks had some choice, this would have been a planned transition over 6-8 months and rolled out in phases, with buckets of acceptance testing.  But it wasn't so what did we learn - anything? I learnt that just about anything can now be done over Teams or Zoom, sure its a little robotic and impersonal, but it can be done. I also learnt that these big app pro...

Time to push the reset button

When I wrote my first blog about the "Sharing Economy" and how we needed to approach service delivery differently, I was certainly not expecting the  global reset button to be pressed so firmly or so quickly or for that matter on such a scale. Still in business we must always play the hand we are dealt, not the hand we want. Many businesses will be scratching their heads through this time thinking about were to next, and what innovation can I turn to to re create my business. In my last blog, I talked about how the way the services of tomorrow would be consumed differently and that we had to undergo fundamental mind shifts in what and how we deliver them. The decimation of global tourism is a great example, New Zealand has been world leading in tourism with a clean green image and adventure toursim options that were unrivalled anywhere in the world. Then overnight, the borders came down and business are now either sitting in idle, hoping that we can share our bubble with...

The Sharing Economy

Welcome to the first edition of my blog.  I decided to create this blog as a way to share my passion for two things I really believe in. Digital Transformation with a real passion for the Digital City, and  Passive Optical LAN.  For those who think this is just another arm chair warror with an opinion to share or a box to sell, you are welcome to move on. If you want my help, reach out and ask questions, this forum is not about selling things. It's about sharing ideas, education and helping people understand what is possible. Yes I absolutely sell this stuff for a living, but hey they tell me its a good thing to make your passion your work right?. I have been around this space since before it was a buzzword, spoken on the international stage for NZTE in Korea and Australia, in Shanghai at World Expo and in Beijing for clients, along with a host of Australasian conferences. And I have watched the discussions go around and around, soaring to the dizzying h...